
I found an interesting article from the New York Times that discusses how “some media executives are growing concerned that the increasingly popular curators of the Web that are taking large pieces of the original work — a practice sometimes called scraping — are shaving away potential readers and profiting from the content”. This is a perfectly understandable concern, and is extremely similar to what we actually discussed in class last week regarding the multiple-person guitar video, which many could argue takes viewers away from the original version of the song. I wonder if this sort of “scraping” really takes a significant amount of viewers away from original content, or if it actually makes viewers more likely to view the original content, enticing them towards it?

One thought on ““Scraping”

  1. cantorb Post author

    I think that it would give viewers a preview of what the artwork looks like, but I don’t think that it can stand in place for seeing the piece of art live and in all of it’s glory. A screen can not show the texture of the paint, or the shades of a pencil like it is supposed to be seen.


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