Ridiculous Lawsuit

Alicia Keys was accused of copyright infringement on her single “Girl on Fire.” “Songwriter Earl Shuman says Keys’ track sounds too similar to his 1962 composition “Hey there Lonlely Girl”

“Though Friedman noted, “Keys only uses two seconds of the original,” Shuman’s complaint says the statements “concerning ‘two seconds’ of use are not accurate” yet “in their essence, apt.”

Shuman thinks Alicia copied more than two seconds of the original and i just listened to both songs and cannot even find a single second that sounds similar.  I challenge someone to find any similarities in the song that one could use for copyright evidence because these two songs are completely different in lyrics and melody.

5 thoughts on “Ridiculous Lawsuit

  1. rauc Post author

    I actually wrote about this lawsuit last week and had the same reaction. It is absolutely absurd. There is only one part in the song that says “loney girl” about 2 mins and 24 seconds into the song. Other than that, the songs are completely different as you said in lyrics, style, and melody. I don’t even know how this is considered a case.

    1. sheetss Post author

      wow i just went back to the part in the video and I cannot believe somebody would sue for that. The funny part is I kind of see what hes talking about because Alecia keys sang the words “Lonely Girl” in a similar melody to the original but you cant copyright that: thats just absurd- our essay lawsuit? maybe..

  2. massiek Post author

    It are lawsuits like this one which make you wonder if the whole copyright and lawsuit system needs to be completely revamped


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