
I’m not sure if anyone has seen Oz or was planning on it but there is an interesting copyright issue. The book is in public domain but the 1939 film adaptation is not. So elements of the  original film should not have been used in the new movie. It will be interesting to see where this leads.

3 thoughts on “Oz

  1. massiek Post author

    It is possible that they could argue that all of the so called copyright infringement is just them using the book

  2. filipekc Post author

    I did not think about this potential controversy. I wonder what would constitute as taken from the movie but not from the book.

  3. Brittany Kulcsar Post author

    I think it is really interesting how this is the case. However, I am sure that the movie producers of the new Oz took this into account and tried to steer as clear of the original movie as possible.


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