Interesting Lawsuit

Many lawsuits I find on the internet are normally exaggerated and morally unjustified. This lawsuit regarding Apple and China makes me rethink my belief to create more lenient laws.  The lawsuit can be summarized with a few quotations:

“A Chinese court has fined Apple Inc 1 million yuan ($160,400) for hosting third-party applications on its App Store that were selling pirated electronic books, the official Xinhua news agency reported on Friday.”

“We are disappointed at the judgment. Some of our best-selling authors only got 7,000 yuan. The judgment is a signal of encouraging piracy,” Bei Zhicheng, a spokesman for the group, told Reuters.

“China has the world’s largest Internet and mobile market by number of users, but piracy costs software companies billions of dollars each year.”

When I read “billions of dollars each year” I began to rethink copyright laws.  From what I have learned in this class so far, I’ve thought that copyright laws should become more lenient; however, now i realize its not a problem of leniency but the fact that America is in need of an overall renovation of copyright law.  technological advances have moved too quickly for law-makers and therefore many copyright laws are unjustified whether being too strict or too lenient.  With regards to this specific case I dont know how I feel about China losing money.  I feel bad for the individual authors but to be honest our economies are basically fighting for superiority so a little less GDP for China may not be so bad.

2 thoughts on “Interesting Lawsuit

  1. malhotrb Post author

    Goldstein did mention that he copyright law was about 20 years behind new technological developments. Technology is advancing at such a rapid rate, however, that copyright law cannot possibly hope to keep up. It looks as if the government will have to take a new look at the Copyright Act of 1990 and work out how to best include the internet in it.


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