Geraldine Brooks

The lecture by Geraldine Brooks was one of the best lectures I have ever seen. She was an amazing speaker who had so many great and funny stories to tell. However I found the topics she wrote about the most interesting part of her lecture. I went in not knowing anything about her. Honestly, I did not even know she was an author. However she is an author and not only just an author, but a historical fiction author. I did not even know historical fiction was possible. How do you combine a our very factual history together with fiction which means non factual? Mrs. Brooks answered this question for me with her writing style. She writes about real people in history but she fills in the blanks and the questions about them with fiction. However, her fiction is not just whatever she wants to put it she researches every little detail possible before starting to write. Then, she “connects” with the person she is trying to write about. I was amazed by her ability to connect two huge ways of writing with such style. After her lecture, I decided I was going to read one of her books over Spring Break.

One thought on “Geraldine Brooks

  1. malhotrb Post author

    I didn’t realize how much work went into a historical novel! It made me appreciate her works so much more.


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