Copyright on the Court

As I was attending the Bucknell Lafayette basketball game, I attempted to observe how copy right is used in basketball. What i found curious was how many of the players, on both teams, had huge pictures of their heads being waved around by those in the crowd. If you have ever watched a basketball game on tv, you’ll know what I am talking about. I found it incredibly weird that it was the schools who were behind the creation of these. And although I believe it is within their rights to produce the likenesses of its student athletes, I would find it rather unsettling if someone had huge picture of my head in the stands. Its not something you think about as an athlete at this school, but just like everywhere else, the school more or less owns your likeness and can profit off it.

One thought on “Copyright on the Court

  1. Abigail Williams Post author

    I never thought of it as the school creating the posters of the heads, but I guess in the end that’s true. Lafayette Student Organizations, such as Leopards Lair and Sports Marketing, asked for funding from Student Government to make and buy the posters so it was student based. Because Student Government approved the funding and symbolically and financially giving Lafayette’s support on the matter.


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