Brownbag with Professor Lodge

I found the brownbag on Tuesday very interesting. It was interesting to hear a first hand account of someone who deals with copyright laws all the time. I especially appreciated learning about how some plays have stricter copyright deals then others. When Professor Lodge described the differences of working with Rent and Arabian Nights, I was surprised to learn about how these differences really made her person directing experience unique. She mentioned that each one had its difficulties, however, she really enjoyed the creativity allowed in Arabian Nights. I am interested to see what she decides to do for her next play. Stick to a more well-known play with stricter copyright laws or a lesser known play with more freedom?

3 thoughts on “Brownbag with Professor Lodge

  1. mannap Post author

    It would be interesting to go with the earlier of the examples. She explained in the brownbag how, despite the strict rules surrounding Rent, she changed around the setting and character appearances to add in her own interpretation. It would be interesting to see how this could be done with other well-known performances. The result could be a play that is almost brand new.

  2. ashnaulb Post author

    I agree it was very interesting to hear how different plays allow for different amount of leeway. She did an excellent job of articulating the steps she had to go through to make the Arabian Nights play the way she wanted it.

  3. rauc Post author

    It was very interesting and a very well done brown bag I must say. I really never thought about copyright applying to such things as high school plays, so it was interesting to hear all about that. Arabian Nights seemed to be an acception to the very strict copyright laws in the theater world.


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