“Basketball Game”

Although I did not make the trip to Bucknell, I was still interested in how the big game was going to turn out. And after a bit of internet searching I came across this website on which to “watch the game.” However, the viewing of the game was not your typical online viewing of a sport event. This website set up an animated basketball court with faceless, ghost like players that only appeared when a team was about to take a shot. There was no inbetween interaction among players. Needless to say it was very boring and not at all like watching the game online, let alone in person. Why was this allowed under copyright laws? If this was my first online viewing of a sport event, I would never again watch sports online; it was terrible. Completely changing the experience of the event, watching from this website did not do the game justice one bit. By only streaming the basketball game on CBS and abiding by copyright laws, it forced a majority of online viewers to stoop to watching this butchered version of the patriot league final. This is yet another instance of copyright letting us all down, harming instead of helping.

2 thoughts on ““Basketball Game”

  1. filipekc Post author

    That’s crazy! I’ve never heard of a website that did that… but I guess I don’t really watch sports online.

  2. sheetss Post author

    It is interesting where they draw the line for copyright of sports games. They were portraying the info of the game and not the players. Maybe if they replayed certain moments with animated players that wouldnt be copyright either?


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