What a magnificent showing at the playhouse last night. Im amazed at the unique events that are sometimes shown at our theater. I haven’t seen such an unorthodox event at the Williams Arts Center since William Pope.L’s statue of a pirate with MLK’s head and chocolate sauce dripping from his head. The distinctive characteristics of these works made me think about how copyright has promoted individualism and creativity. Artists may feel more inclined to add more personality and unusual features to their works not simply for the sake of art, but for protection against copyright.
I must admit, I was not expecting such a modern and unique performance. When I heard it was a ballet, I immediately assumed it would be of a more classical nature. I was amazed by how more classical and technical ballet could be transformed into something much more modern and interpretive. I must say that I think in the majority of cases artists add unusual features to their work because that is their interpretation and vision.
How could I miss that statue? Curses! Ah, well. I just love these super postmodern art examples. It would have been nice to see the dance. That is an interesting idea, though: make something so creative no one will think it’s based off of anything. Or, make something so creative no one could possible duplicate it.
Yes the performance was definitely creative in an unexpected way. I’m not exactly sure how I felt about it. Knowing the dancing was to be performed to classical music, I was not expecting such interpretations to say the least.
It’s always nice when you go into a performance expecting one thing and walking out with a completely different experience. You brought up a good point about more unusual and personalized performances. I could see it being harder for someone to take elements without being accused of copyright infringement.