Public Domain

It is interesting to look at these 2 websites, the first with a  positive view of the public domain and the second being more negative. It is interesting that several well known works would have been added to the public domain this year. Do you think that Congress made the right decision in extending the length for a book to enter the public domain?

2 thoughts on “Public Domain

  1. mannap Post author

    This a difficult question to answer. As we have recently been discussing in class, the issue of public domain has been the cause of much controversy recently. It would seem that for the benefit of public knowledge, congress did not make the right decision. The time length for public domain was long as it was, and extending it seems unnecessary.

  2. ashnaulb Post author

    I think this issue could be looked at in two different ways very easily. And personally I don’t think the length of something being copyrighted is a problem with the laws.


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