Magicians Gone Crazy

In an article I found, one magician is suing another magician for copying the original magician’s trick. This brings up an interesting question, how far should copyright extend? Should actions be copyrighted as well, or just objects? The magician in question has fled the country and is doing a successful job of evading charges by simple having his whereabouts be unknown. So, how far should copyright extend? How can a law protect an action? To what extend should this be done? For example, if a coach on a sports team comes up with a particular play or technique, should it be copyrighted and not allowed to be passed on?

3 thoughts on “Magicians Gone Crazy

  1. mannap Post author

    This would be an example of the whole issue of copyright being taken to far. People should have their ideas and works protected. However, the simple fact is that certain things aren’t creations worthy of being copyrighted. This would be similar to Olive Garden trying to copyright Chicken Parmesan and suing other Italian restaurants who make the dish. Some things just shouldn’t be protected by law.


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