Copyright vs. things similar to it

I found this site discussing the difference between copyright, trademarks, and patents. I found it interesting because each of these things are much different that I had originally thought them to be. I  also found it funny that patents do not last as long as do copyrights. If you ask me, I think that patents should last longer because I feel that inventing something is the most solid, original idea that can be produced.

2 thoughts on “Copyright vs. things similar to it

  1. filipekc Post author

    With patents it kind of makes sense because it gives the inventor enough time to really establish a business around their invention, but not too much time that a corrupt sort of monopoly could be established.

  2. wrightka Post author

    I think Claire is right with the patents overall main purpose. It protects the inventor but also protects the buyers, which is important when starting a business.


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