Blog Prompt Week 6

The blog prompt relates to what my group and I are going to write our paper about which is the topic explained below.  The Verve (a band) followed protocol to use a few chords from a Rolling Stones song to make their own song.  The Verve’s song became a hit and then the Rolling Stones sued because the Verve apparently used more chords than they said they would.  This led a lawsuit that stripped the Verve of 100% of the earnings of their hit song that was extremely succesful and popular.

This shows how strict and controversial copyright can be.  My personal opinion about this is beginning to be split.  While I maintain that copyright is of utmost importance and could produce negatives like this example it creates more positives.  However, I believe that it could change some so that situations like this do not occur.  Vaidhyanathen would most likely side with the Verve on this issue. she would most likely say that the Verve should get credit for their song even though they used a sound from another artist.

2 thoughts on “Blog Prompt Week 6

  1. mannap Post author

    I heard about this incident as well. It is truly a shame that copyright laws were manipulated in such a way that it cost this band all royalties from their most successful song. This is a case where copyright has actually fueled greed rather than helping the creators of source material. This incident is a stain on the face of authorship and fair use.

  2. filipekc Post author

    I actually had not heard of this case beforehand. I was surprised that this happened even though verve followed protocol.


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