Tablets vs. eBooks

In class and on the blog we have mostly been talking about how eBooks are negatively effecting the market of print books.  This article however talks about how eBooks are getting their sales taken from them due to the development of Tablets.  Tablets are products such as the iPad that have developed into a more reader friendly product.  The article says that it has taken about 20% sales from tablets.

I find this interesting that alsready another form of technology is starting to eclipse eBooks.  Although it may not surpass them it certainly present competition.  It also puts into perspective how timeless print works are.  They were the only form of print for hundreds of years and eBooks only had about a ten year run before developing competition.  It is vital to look at the development how the consuming of books is developing.

2 thoughts on “Tablets vs. eBooks

  1. massiek Post author

    It definitely speaks to how fast passed our modern society is. Increasingly demand for new technology has sparked the creation of more and more versatile devices, like the ipad

  2. mortatia Post author

    I think this is really interesting. I find myself thinking that no matter how many new technologies arise, I will always prefer to read a tangible book. I do realize that tablets and kindles make it easier. I just don’t enjoy reading off screens. It will be interesting to see what other creations come about as the demand for new technology continues to increase.


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