Lab Post

For my post i watched The Alphabet Part 4. This sections intrigued me because it dealt with the advent of the fountain pen. Our fountain pens have made had a profound effect on how i view the written word. The 30 minute segment ends with a modern view of the scribe, now known as a Calligrapher; who will carry on the torch into the future. However, it is said that Calligraphy is seemingly a dying breed, I have only met a handful of people who knew how to write using it. All is not lost however, if our last book viewing has taught me anything, it is that there is still an appreciation for hand written words.

One thought on “Lab Post

  1. mortatia Post author

    Our fountain pens have also changed how I view the written word. It is amazing to me how people can train and have such perfect writing and how different pens can have an effect on handwriting as well. It is comforting to know that there still is an appreciation for hand written words.


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