What if..

When looking at the prompt today, I found myself asking the question what if some of our most ancient text had been created during a time when computers existed. Many authors write their books on the computer these days. The computer makes writing and printing so much easier for us to do. I wonder if the computer had been around during the time of some ancient text if they would still be as important or worth as much to us today. These books were so unique because the process of making them was so incredible difficult. If the process had been easier like it is today would these books still be of such high importance?


3 thoughts on “What if..

  1. cantorb Post author

    I don’t think that printing would be as much as an art form as it is today if they were originally printed on computers.

  2. mannap Post author

    One thing I thought about with this post is the issue of cost. Today, both books and computers are both consumer products that the majority of the population has access to. However, in earlier times, books were seen as more of a luxury, with only the wealthy and highly educated having access to them. It is my belief that if computers existed back then, they would fall into the same category, and thus would only be available to a select few. Naturally, those people would be able to increase their output of writing considerably. However, the majority of people still would not be able to create their own works.

  3. ashnaulb Post author

    I dont believe they would be of such high importance simply because since they are in an earlier form the physical progress can be seen in printing technology. Seeing the papyrus means so much more than if it was just old pages on computer paper. it has to do with having a window seeing how people lived in history.


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