The Simplicity of Letters

I watched the “inventing the alphabet” documentary. There was a guy in the video that made an excellent point that I never thought of before: letters are very simple. Looking at the letters that constitute our alphabet, and almost any alphabet, they are very easy to write and are not very intricate.  He made the point that this is because of when early humans had to carve letters into clay, there was not a lot of room for precision because of the writing tools available, so the letters became easy to draw. I think it is interesting how even with the computer and more precise writing utensils, the simplicity of the letters of our alphabet is the same today as it has been for thousands of years.

One thought on “The Simplicity of Letters

  1. mannap Post author

    This is an interesting thought that I never really considered. However, one could show exceptions to this rule by looking at the traditional Chinese alphabet, where there are characters for literally every thought or object in existence. Truly, this shows a level of complexity not seen in the rest of the world. Could there perhaps be development in Chinese literature and writing that made the complexity of letters a non-issue?


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