Shakespeare–Short and to the Point

One of the books we saw on Tuesday reminded me of a video that my AP English teacher showed my class in high school. The video she showed us was very much like what was described in this article. I found many of the books very interesting on Tuesday, but the little green Shakespeare book next to the cellphone R&J (Romeo and Juliet for anyone who didn’t see it) was particularly funny. It highlighted the story of Macbeth in about three or four sentences with some great graphics. I would love to find who makes the Short Attention Span series to look into buying some for myself.

2 thoughts on “Shakespeare–Short and to the Point

  1. Candace Beach Post author

    I enjoyed the books quite a bit and it would be nice to own a few. It was a different and fun way to experience the material and I really appreciated the work put into the books.


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