make time to read

I was recently just browsing the internet when I came across this article.  I think it is a really cute article about reading and making time for it.  One of the recommendations for making time for reading is to add it to your schedule.  I think that while it sounds ridiculous to schedule reading, today its almost necessary.  With our lives becoming increasingly more busy, I think that we often find ourselves saying we will make an effort to read yet we never actually do so.  I then came across this article which outlines why we as humans need to read.  The article states, “But perhaps even more significant is its emotional role as the starting point for individual voyages of personal development and pleasure.” I think that sadly, many people view reading more as a chore than an experience.

4 thoughts on “make time to read

  1. cantorb Post author

    I barely have time to sleep…just kidding. I think it is very important to find time to read. It gives us an emotional and creative outlet to let our thoughts run wild, something a lot of our classes don’t let us do.

  2. Candace Beach Post author

    During the school year it is almost impossible for me to read purely for leisure although I typically want to. It is difficult to make time for reading when we are reading all the time. I feel like it does help to get lost in a book from time to time though. I haven’t always been an avid reader but as I get older I appreciate the stories and the characters more. It is also nice to escape reality and become immersed in the world of your book.

  3. filipekc Post author

    I agree that reading is important and can be relaxing. During school it is so hard to balance busy schedules that leisurely reading often does not make it in to anyone’s daily routine.

  4. Jason Elliot Melendez Post author

    For me, reading has become an integral part of my day. Aside from school texts (which tend to be less entertaining than other books), I make time during breakfast and lunch to read off my kindle. I figure a time for eating is a break from working, so I won’t bring textbooks or homework. It would also be troublesome if I dropped food on either. It turns out that it’s a fairly relaxing and easy way to start the day… granted I don’t lose track of time and get carried away.


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