Cell phones

When were talk about the printing press, it is hard for us to imagine a time before it because it precedes us by many decades. However, while the cell phone is a pretty recent device, it is hard for us to imagine life without it. I often wonder how texting and tweeting has impacted the way we read and write. I found the artist book that came out of the cell phone relevant and interesting to this conversation. In Japan, in 2007, a new “genre” of books emerged. According to this article this was the creation of the cell phone novel. Additionally this reminds me of a young adult novel I admittedly read that was written as a long text message conversation. It is interesting to think that if you traveled back in time and gave the texting book to someone it would be like a foreign language to them.

3 thoughts on “Cell phones

  1. Candace Beach Post author

    I hadn’t even thought about how texting has changed the way we read and write. It will be interesting to see if in 30 years when texting has been around for quite some time if it impacts the number of cell phone novels we will see. Even though our generation has almost evolved with the cell phone this technology is now here for the younger generations and I wonder if it will impact the way they write

  2. Jason Elliot Melendez Post author

    Technology continually makes things more and more convenient, and as we can see today, advances fairly quickly. In that regard, you could assume it was only a matter of time before something such as the cell phone novel emerged. With the ability to directly post things to the internet, the cell phone has allowed the creation of novels from literally anywhere, and have become fairly commonplace (at least in Japan, that I know of). It also further shows that, with the right skills and material, anyone is capable of being an author now a days.

  3. wrightka Post author

    I always wonder if our generations new “texting language” makes us seem less intelligent to the older generation. My parents constantly tell me to not abbreviate my words when I text because I will soon begin to write like which makes me seem less intelligent. I wonder if this will continue to be a problem with a rise in technology.


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