Ancient Tablet

I discovered an article in the National Geographic that discusses how just recently, a clay tablet was found in Greece that is said to be “the oldest known decipherable text in Europe”. The clay tablet was found in an olive grove, which was surprising to those who found it because it is not quite clear how it got there. I think it is pretty amazing how such old texts are still being found today, and I am sure that in the future even older texts than this will be discovered. It is cool to think that maybe at one time or another, someone we know may have stumbled across something ancient like this without realizing it. In fact, I wonder how many people had come across this clay tablet in the past and disregarded it as being nothing more than an old rock.

One thought on “Ancient Tablet

  1. Jason Elliot Melendez Post author

    Especially now a days, it’s easy to disregard old looking things because they look more primitive and simplistic, maybe even unrecognizable (Like when I see a VCR. I grew up with those things and even now I get confused with what I’m looking at). Similar to this was the story regarding the Dracula manuscript in the barn. Most of the time, it can be more impressive to figure how something ended up somewhere rather than the artifact itself.


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