For my documentary, I watched the making of a medieval book. It amazed me just how difficult it was to make each individual letter, or “punch”, and how someone could have a job just becoming a professional letter-maker. The skill and patience it took to make each individual letter was extraordinary. The mold was extremely exquisite, each individual part fitting together like the modern machinery of today. The act of actually getting the print onto paper is a process similar to one I have seen before, where ink is applied directly on the letters and then the paper pressed on top of that. Despite being from the Renaissance, the placing of letters was almost identical to the process we saw being done in the EPI. It was extraordinary to see such advanced technology – the ink rollers – coupled with a medieval technology. This documentary really made me appreciate the work that went into making a book, and made me realize how little regard we have for our books today.
Making of a Medieval Book
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