What if…?

What if Steve Jobs lived during Guttenburg’s time? Jobs was an innovator and changed the computer, cell phone, etc. industries. His human capital and vision have affected how millions of people communicate on a daily basis. Likewise, the printing press prompted a major transformation of the book industry, which reshaped how people communicated.

I think one difference Jobs would have brought to early printing and books would have been fonts. Initially, they were bulky and difficult to read. Jobs preached simplicity so I think fonts such as this type would have been used earlier.

2 thoughts on “What if…?

  1. mannap Post author

    Steve jobs is also known for his work in the marketing side of business. Could it be possible that had he lived in Guttenburg’s time, he could have innovated in this area as well? What makes this prospect even more interesting was that during this time, advertising and marketing were barely present, if at all. How much could things have changed if he had introduced these concepts to the world much longer before they ended up developing.

  2. sheetss Post author

    Yes Steve Jobs was definitely well known for his marketing abilities and advertising strategies. Maybe he would have monopolized the printing business with a Mac printing press.


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