Weekly Prompt

Earlier books that we have seen, such as hand-pressed books, might have ended up being far different than they are should modern technology have existed during their creation. For example, were later technology to be available during the hand-pressed book era, it is likely that the costs of producing these books would be much less, and that the price of the books themselves would therefore also be much less. In addition, I know that we learned during one class that there are some books that used to be produced using acid that literally eat themselves away over the years. If more technology was present at the time of the creation of these books, then I’m sure that these sort of “self-eating” books would not exist and that texts of this sort would be much more durable to time. Technology today is undoubtedly very helpful in making books better able to be preserved. The e-book is a very good example of this. However, after doing a bit of research on the e-book in order to get a better understanding of it I came across an article discussing the fact that it costs more to buy a book on an e-book than it does to buy an actual paperback copy of the same book. This seems a bit strange to me, as it should cost much less to produce an e-book then it should to produce an actual paperback book.

Here is the article: post.aspx?post=7fb568d9-f4a6-408b-9da2-4176dfa3f36c

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