Tuesday’s Class – Lithography

The viewing of the lithographs earlier this week greatly impressed me. I previously did not have much experience with viewing such materials, and so wasn’t aware of how beautiful these print forms could actually be. What were particularly impressive were the depictions of the Marquis de Lafayette, which were very well detailed. It would be very interesting to view how such works are made, similarly to when we visited the printmaking institute and saw the process used for earlier print forms. I would imagine it to be a very intricate process, requiring much effort in order to make the images come out well.

3 thoughts on “Tuesday’s Class – Lithography

  1. rauc Post author

    I think that would be a cool thing to see. As I was reading about the whole process of printing from a printing press, I couldn’t have been more bored. However, when I saw it in EPI, it was so cool. Seeing things in person really brings them to life in different ways than you can experience through just reading or looking at pictures. Although reading about the process of making a lithograph was not as boring as reading about how to print things from a press, I can imagine that viewing how lithographs are made and having the hands on experience, like we had in EPI, would be a neat thing to do.

  2. Candace Beach Post author

    After viewing the lithographs I was also incredibly impressed with the detail and clarity of the picture. I would like to see this process being performed because I want to see every step and understand the process behind it.

  3. ashnaulb Post author

    It shocked me as well how intricate these prints were and the fact that they weren’t drawn. The effort it must have taken to create these is truly an art form.


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