Tuesday’s Class

I was thinking about Tuesday’s class and I realized I was a little disappointed by the look of books today. All of the books we saw in class were so gorgeous especially the one with the gold and even the mass printed ones were still so nice looking. Today, I get my books on my electronic reader where I get to see the cover page in black and white. I do not even get to see binding of the book. Its just so interesting to see how I am actually missing out on an such an important aspect of reading by not seeing the bindings.

3 thoughts on “Tuesday’s Class

  1. massiek Post author

    It really is disappointing looking at the books we have today, they do not have the same character as older books. It makes me wonder if we would appreciate contemporary books more if they still were bound in leather and printed on high quality paper.

  2. Brittany Kulcsar Post author

    It is a shame how books today are produced in the most cost-efficient way rather than the best-quality way possible. Everything today revolves so much around money that they do not possess the same richness about them as they used to.

  3. Abigail Williams Post author

    Trying to play devil’s advocate–would we appreciate books more if they were all bound in leather and printed on fine paper? That format would be considered normal and perhaps a different quality would then be appreciated and desired because it wouldn’t be the norm.


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