Science of Printing

When we went to the EPI the lady demonstrating for us kept talking about the science of printing.  I kind of understood but the pictures from One search that I linked below made me understand more.  The ink and ink colors alone have so much science involved.  Just to find the right combination that is just the right consistency and will be permanent.  Also the reaction the paper is vital and needs to be accounted for, if it isn’t then there is a possibility the ink can ruin the paper.  This goes along with the right combination has to be found to not run through the paper onto other pages.  All in all, the science to printing is vital.

3 thoughts on “Science of Printing

  1. sheetss Post author

    It is amazing how quickly we combined science and art to create the vast array of colors we have today. I can’t imagine how difficult it must have been to create colors out of flower and other plants to create the works of art that still exist today. I feel spoiled knowing that I went into kindergarden with a perfectly arranged set of watercolor paint and a huge canvass to exploit in any way I pleased.

  2. wrightka Post author

    It is interesting to look at how spoiled we are today when it comes to colors. This makes me think about all the times I get angry at my printer because one of my ink colors has run out. Realistically all I have to do is go out and by some new ink, where people use to have to create all of the colors and ink by hand from different flowers and other things. I will be sure to be more grateful from now on.

  3. cantorb Post author

    It even takes skill to get the exact amount of ink necessary. Printing is very involved and it was impressive to watch her print on the press.


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