Roller Printing

I have to say, I was impressed with the roller printing. On one hand, it seemed really tedious to have to set all the type and make it fit where you wanted it to be. On the other hand, in regards to digital printing, I felt that the actual process of getting the words onto a page was very simple. Just roll the sheet over and then the page is done. To make multiple copies would require more physical effort, but still not to the point where doing so would feel wasted. What surprised me the most was the fact that even if it is less advanced than modern printers, there were still even simpler methods of printing which required more work. If typesetting was the most difficult part of the roller, then what would the process be like if it were something that did not use electricity, if printing had to be even more manual? To take that further, to imagine entire books to be printed from even just the roller seemed tedious, how much more so on something more difficult to use?

One thought on “Roller Printing

  1. massiek Post author

    I agree it seems really difficult to put together any significant number of words. I am really interested in how long printing a full book would take? The process seems incredibly tedious, however, it must have also been incredibly lucrative. Not many people would have the capitol to start a printing business.


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