Interesting Quote

Recently I came across this quote in my economic textbook that really made me appreciate how far the world has come in regards to the sharing of information.

“Suppose you want to find the numbers for inflation in Germany over the past five years. Fifty years ago, the answer would be to learn German, find a library with German publications, find the page where inflation numbers were given, write them down, and plot them by hand on a clean sheet of paper.”

The internet has truly spoiled us with the ease at which information can be shared. Of course, the internet would mean nothing if it were not for the concept of freedom of information, arguing that people should be allowed to freely explore and learn information over the internet. There is much debate currently going on as to whether or not this freedom violates copyright laws. I am hoping to adequately cover this issue in my first essay.

2 thoughts on “Interesting Quote

  1. malhotrb Post author

    That is a very interesting quote! It’s strange to think that in the world where our parents were born and raised in, such a tedious process would be the only thing that could get that information. The internet is really something that people should respect more when they share information online. Pictures, text, numbers… Everything put on the internet can be accessed if someone is extremely determined. It’s almost like by putting your information on the internet you are giving everyone permission to access and use it.

  2. wrightka Post author

    I think this quote really makes me appreciate the internet but more broadly technology as a whole. To think of living in an age where things are not openly and readily available to me at any given time kind of scares me. I am so accustomed to just going online or pulling out my iphone that without these pieces of technology I do not know if I could successfully go through a day. Although I really appreciate this use of technology, it, also, kind of scares me to think that I cannot live without it.


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