Writing and writing styles

I am heavily leaning towards using our fountain pens as the basis for how our writing utensils affects writing styles. I know it made a huge difference in my own writing style. Hopefully i can distinguish between the fountain pen and the ball point. Maybe even going into the use of brushes versus pens and how that effects the type of writing styles used by different societies.

4 thoughts on “Writing and writing styles

  1. mortatia Post author

    I never gave much thought to how different writing utensils affect writing styles before being given a fountain pen and since beginning to use it, I have noticed a difference in my writing. One thing I noticed is that my handwriting shows some small changes when I use the fountain pen. I would like to try more writing utensils to see if they too change my handwriting at all. The use of brushes versus pens also seems interesting.

  2. Brittany Kulcsar Post author

    I noticed that when using the fountain pen I pay much more attention to my handwriting and must be more careful about writing too hard, which is something I tend to do. With the fountain pen, writing hard is very unecessary since the pen writes just as well when pressing softly as it does when pressing more on the hard side. Because the pen does not require as much pressure when writing, I also noticed that my hand does not cramp up as much as it does when using a typical ballpoint pen, which is something that I can get used to.

  3. cantorb Post author

    I feel a difference between my fountain pen and my ballpoint pen. I actually like my ballpoint pen a little better because the ink flows out as quickly as it does in the fountain pen, but the point rolls, which makes writing smoother for me.

  4. ashnaulb Post author

    The mention of brushes in the post got me thinking about how alphabets and language could be formed because of writing utensils. For example, the chinese alphabet is more or less sets of straight lines which is due to the use of a brush.


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