Tuesday’s class

I really enjoyed being able to view all of the pieces on Tuesday and see just how much books have changed from long ago. It really felt like I entered a museum when I walked into the room and saw all of the different ancient artifacts set up before me. One of the things that really left an impression on me was when I was told that the piece of paper I was holding was not really paper at all, but instead dead animal skin. I had been holding it in my hands for at least five minutes before being told this, but had yet to notice the tiny pores scattered throughout it. I think the fact that I had so quickly assumed it was paper I was holding shows how prominent paper is in today’s society.

One thought on “Tuesday’s class

  1. mortatia Post author

    I too assumed I was holding paper when in fact I was not. Until seeing the document, I couldn’t really imagine using anything other than paper. I hadn’t realized how paper like previous materials for texts had been.


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