Michael Palin’s Brazil

Yes, that Michael Palin (and no, not Terry Gilliam’s Brazil).

The book was written while he was working on a TV special for the BBC (and thus PBS, too).  I’m enjoying the dip back into Brazilian bits and pieces, and although it leads at times to a disappointing and disjointed narrative, Palin’s focus is on the individuals he meets.  The book itself was a fun buy at the Stanford’s bookstore in London’s Covent Garden.  Here are some related links.

Two different takes on his coverage of (and attempts to go beyond) Brazil’s “s” characteristics:
The Guardian gives Palin his chance to speak, and some extra of links, too
Why we don’t need Michael Palin’s ‘Brazil’ (The Conversation)

Michael Palin looks back on ‘Monty Python’, ahead to ‘Brazil’ (Tellyspotting)
Yes, the BBC show is only recently on PBS, but it’s an occasion to look back to Python, too.
It turns out Palin is a diarist! Diaries 1969-1979: The Python Years (Amazon)

Brazil, Michael Palin (Amazon)
Palin’s Travels, Michael Palin’s travel website
Brazil with Michael Palin (BBC One)
Our local PBS39 station links to an older trip, about Hemingway
(Searching the site on keyword brazil leads to interesting stories.)

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