Category: Uncategorized

To Facebook or not

Worth a read and a think. (On the blog roll here.) Breaking Up is the Hardest Thing To Do(Faulty Logic) One of the gems: “And though I’m old and wise enough to call bullshit on half of it… (we don’t…

The science of finding Rowling

Earlier we had the intrigue. Twitter as secret-revealer (this site) Now we have an interview with the scientist who tested the hypothesis quantitatively Uncovering the Mystery of J.K. Rowling’s Latest Novel (NPR) with other helpful links from the SciFri page on that…

Lit review: stocks

A literature review suitable for NYTimes What Stock to Buy? Hey, Mom, Don’t Ask Me (Greg Mankiw) Yep, it’s all about holding stocks, a diversified mix of them.

In the eye of the beholder

One of the books considered for Lafayette’s first-year reading, this review brought some of the book’s points back to me, and it also provides some context for it. David Kellogg – The Bullshit Revival (Pedagogy) The “defining characteristic” of bullshit is…

Why learn to code?

Three reasons get a better job be more valuable at an early point in your career manage the folks in R&D better enrich your view of the world That was four reasons, you say? Eh, I started at zero.

Market forces and equality

“Whenever we cooperate, there arises a question of the division of cooperation’s fruits.” Economic inequality: Market forces and appeals to fairness (The Economist) Although the author succeeds in touch on interesting ideas, the logic is muddled and most assertions unfounded.…

Green eyes

wide open Peace in the vortex of chaos “We can plan and plan, make sure that everything is ready, organize exact… And then the ILLUSION of control is shattered … When ‘Life’ shows up and reminds us that we have…

Habits are free

Boing Boing blogger and science fiction writer Cory Doctorow Has Lunch with the FT (Tim Harford) “‘That’s your problem,’ he says, in a bright, brisk Toronto accent. ‘You don’t do it often enough. If you did it every day, you’d…