Running and coaching

The question for elites … Who Pays the Coach? (Running Times, Grandstand View) … and the realities of the amateur. How to Be Your Own Coach (Runner’s World) Here is some more advice—take it easy!  “Too many runners try to pass off…

Doctors, we need more!

Some recent thinking on demand and supply in the physician labor market … Should The U.S. Import More Doctors? (Planet Money) … is reminiscent of another thoughtful piece on our non-human companions’ physicians. Veterinarian spending: Recession is killing America’s pet doctors (Slate)

Newton’s Eye

A discussion of the play on Scientific American’s podcast. Inside Isaac: A Discussion of Newton, Part 1 Discusses Hook, diaries, the Holy Trinity, and many other topics. Inside Isaac: A Discussion of Newton, Part 2 One of the ideas: The…