Hysteresis in hiring

Some useful nuggets, for practical reasons and theory (micro and micro-foundations of macro), too. Avoiding the Soft ‘Yes’” In particular, this. “Executives often hesitate to hire additional staff (‘What happens if this doesn’t work — then what do we do?’…

Anti-austerity evidence

@justinwolfers: Remarkable: Compare the recessions and subsequent recovery in the US (red line) with that in the UK (blue). http://t.co/xpoMF4VBuk @justinwolfers: The crisis, and the recovery. Now adding Australia to the US v UK comparison. RT @MattCowgill: Another perspective: http://t.co/TVn6YXDYhA

Market forces and equality

“Whenever we cooperate, there arises a question of the division of cooperation’s fruits.” Economic inequality: Market forces and appeals to fairness (The Economist) Although the author succeeds in touch on interesting ideas, the logic is muddled and most assertions unfounded.…

The English Rentiers

World-bulding time, and social awareness, too. Britain is recreating a rentier society fit for a baby royal (Financial Times) “I asked the panel of industry leaders how comfortable they felt with young people’s opportunities governed by the lottery of their…