The Secret Document That Transformed China What happened to the factories in Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood? Both from Marketplace, a show that enjoys paying attention to China.
Author: ruebeckc
A Mess on the Ladder of Success – Adam Davidson at the NYTimes Planet Money is a wonderful show, but the gang there (including Davidson) doesn’t always get it right. There’s a good point to this article (be mobile!) but…
A food pairing
Yum! Brands CEO (David Novak) on Marketplace Subway CEO on Bloomberg’s Hays Advantage
Celestial spirograph
Astronomy Picture of the Day captures Mars and Regulus here.
An Innovation pairing
Marketplace: Middle class struggles with changing job market. A History of the World in 100 objects: Ship’s chronometer from the HMS Beagle (and AHOW’s main page). Everybody see the connection?
A pairing of pirate stories
A History of the World in 100 Objects: Pieces of eight Scientific American’s 60 Second Science: Pirates need science, too
Laptop ready to go
My machine just got repaired, and this seems like the auspicious occasion for starting to blog.