All posts by Christopher Donato

Sex Sells

Last night I thought all the presentations were outstanding, but the one that caught my intention the most was the “Does Sex Sell?” presentation. After last night, I don’t think sex is needed to sell products, but it is technique that companies adapted to voice their brand to the public. Even in Other presentations about different topics we saw companies using women to attract men to their product. It was also interesting to hear that many of the women in our class were more disturbed then enticed to buy a product that presented sex in their ads. I believe companies should get away from using this technique but it has become a common way to introduce the public to there problem. Hopefully some day we can get back to polar bears and screaming children in the grocery store.

The Hunting Ground

I thought this movie was the most powerful film we have watched this semester. The way the film was set up and the young women that  were interviewed made the issue presented by this film heard by the audience.The way the film was set up was like 4 years of college. At the beginning, the director decided to show the acceptance videos and go right into orientation. From there he focused on 4 main stories of sexual assault. Each unique in its own way. One focused on fraternities, one focused on sports teams, etc. At the end of the documentary, We see the graduation ceremonies of the colleges that were featured in the the film . After, we see the two main women traveling in a car all over the country showing us that the fight to stop sexual assault is not over.


The thing that made the movie “CitizenFour” enjoyable to watch for me was how the movie was filmed and edited. It was not like every other documentary where the interviews were supporting the facts presented. Instead, The documentary was focused around one man and the facts supported his story. Another thing that made this film unique was how most of the screen time was filming way was going on instead of interviewing the people in the film and asking about their story. It made me feel as if I was in the room with them.

The Greatest Movie Ever Sold

I enjoyed watching “The Greatest Movie Ever Sold,” directed by Morgan Spurlock. It showed me how much advertisement is around us in our world today. I started noticing advertisements on this campus that I never really gave to much attention to. Things like vitamin water and powerade being the official drinks on lafayette’s campus. That means similar drinks like gatorade or body armor are impossible to purchase on campus. Another advertisement is Nike. All our athletes’ uniforms are made by Nike. Nothing other then Nike is given to the players, but Lafayette gets all the gear it needs for its athletes.


In the movie JFK, the director decides to use real broadcasts from the time of JFK’s death. I feel that by doing this, the director makes the conspiracy seem like a more realistic possibility. One scene that really exemplifies how the real broadcasts affected the realistic aspect of the movie is when the lawyers are first starting their investigation in Dallas. They decide to walk down the street where JFK was shot and search the buildings around the area. Before this scene happened, the live footage of the parade was shown multiple times giving the setting of the movie a historic feel. As the lawyers searched, I kept thinking of how they were in the same locations as JFK before he was shot. By adding these clips, it made the movie seem as if it was more of a documentary then a historic thriller. It definitely gave the movie creditability and made the conspiracy seem more believable.

Props in Amelie

In the opening scene of Amelie, all the props that were used served a similar purpose. They showed her innocence as a child and her imagination. As the movie progresses, it is shown that Amelie was very lonely being home schooled and had tuff parents. The only friends she really had were her fish and her imaginated friends. The props in the opening credits such as the paper cut outs, the coin spinning, and the sound coming from the top of the class showed that all of her fun came from her imagination. This plays into our class discussion of Mise en Scéne. During the opening scene, there wasn’t much dialogue between the characters. Instead, most of story was told by the actions of the characters and the props they used.