Foley Artists

I thought the video we watched in class a few day ago about the foley artists was awesome. I learned a lot about how much sound really can add to a movie/ cartoon. I thought it was very cool how the sounds from these cartoons came from objects that had nothing to do with the sounds in which they were producing. When I used to watch cartoons, I never perceived the sound of the wind, footsteps, and other subtle sounds to be anything other than what they were in the cartoon. The fact that elaborate objects were created to imitate these sounds is truly amazing. Sometimes when I heard the sound from the object, it was hard for me to picture what sound it was supposed to be representing. When the sound was synchronized to the image however, it became clear and really helped emphasize the actions of the characters. I also couldn’t believe that someone ever was able to come up with the idea of hanging a slinky from a ladder to create the Star Wars laser gun sound.

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