The Age of The Image: Evolution of The Audience

In The Age of The Image, Stephen Apkon makes an important point about the immediacy of news in the media in our time because of the internet and inexpensive video recording equipment. He makes in important point that in our culture we have a hard time believing in the occurrence of an event unless we see it with our own eyes, and with the invention and evolution of media it makes it easier for news to reach the eyes of millions and billions of viewers. Not only are our values shaping the way media is presented anymore, but the presentation of media now has influence on the development of those values.


The manipulation of the way a video is presented to its viewer has a dramatic effect on what each individual is going to take away from its message. Apkon talks about the immediate reaction to the Invisible Children videos exploiting the horrifying acts of Joseph Kony. Apkon mentions that through the immediacy of today’s media it is easy to spread any kind of awareness of a particular event if it captivates its viewers.


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