Scene in Battle of Algiers

The  scene with the french people on the streets and the one algerian man that sits on the step after the attacks shows prejudice and stereotyping. This scene is after the many shootings of cops and people by the FLN. The people on the streets see this lone man of color and harass him: “where are you headed?” “I’m sure it’s him” “Murderer.” I like this scene because it really shows what the french thought about the Algerians. They alienated them and thought they were all the same. It was just some guy going about his day and keeping to himself but he got harassed. This scene shows a shift in the thinking of the French after the bombing and unrest in society. There is fear in the French for their lives and want the Algerians taken care of.

One thought on “Scene in Battle of Algiers”

  1. I felt like the racism expressed here could be compared with Children of Men in the sense that the dominant group doesn’t see the other races as human beings but almost more animalistic. They can all be painted with one brush. This was more prevalent in The Battle of Algiers than in Dear White People, but the remnants of inequality still shined through. What showed progress to me in Dear White People was the eventually successful inter-racial relationship between Samantha and Gabe.

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