Amelie and Do the Right Thing

In both films interesting how they employ the use of over saturation. It is very noticeable in both films how the filmmaker employs the use of over saturation. The element of saturation have different symbolic meanings in the films. First, in Do the Right Thing, the saturation helps show the tension and pressure building up in the characters and events. The filmmaker also uses a lot of red colors which indicates the warmth and anger. So you can almost feel the warmth off the screen. The red and saturated colors shows tension emulating. In contrast, in Amelie there is more of a simplistic palate of primary colors not dark, deep reds and oranges. This makes it not as evocative as much as visually consistent. In the end, both films employed saturated colors in different ways to make it visually more intriguing.

One thought on “Amelie and Do the Right Thing”

  1. I was thinking about this while watching Do The Right Thing. The way that color is used to show the emotion and the emphasize the setting really stuck out to me with this movie. I felt that the colors foreshadowed the outburst of anger that occurs at the end of the movie. Almost as if the colors get deeper and deeper as the character’s tempers rise.

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