LaFarm Water Treatment System Grand Challenges Project 2015-16

This project was funded by the Division of Engineering Grand Challenges Initiative. Eight students tackled the challenge of an off-grid clean water for LaFarm by enrolling in the first-ever INDS 330 1/4-course. The reason for the project was that well water testing at LaFarm occasionally showed low levels of coliform bacteria (the source is unknown), making the water unfit for washing produce. Over the course of the spring 2016 semester, we worked as a team on three components: the water treatment process, a new wash station, and a roof structure. For disinfection, after reviewing possible solutions the team decided on an ozonation system rather than UV light. A battery backup system and inverter were added (thanks Engineering Machine Shop) so that excess solar energy could be stored and used on demand.

Digging the trench for the new water line

Digging the trench for the new water line

Kevin and Scott checking out the electronics

Kevin and Scott checking out the electronics

Battery backup system

Battery backup system

Putting up the roof frame

Putting up the roof frame

Brandon surveys the roof frame

Brandon surveys the roof frame