Field Trips


Auf dieser Seite seht ihr Fotos von einigen Ausflügen, die wir in den letzten Jahren unternommen haben.

Many of the field trips are linked to German literature and culture seminars.

9/11 Memorial and Whitney Museum NYC

German 441 is an upper-level culture studies seminar (usually by means of literature and film) that is regularly co-taught by Prof. Lamb-Faffelberger and Lafayette’s Max Kade writer-in-residence. This semester, Dr. Hans-Michael Speier is our guest. He is an award-winning poet and professor at the Freie Universität Berlin. He also has been teaching at the German Summer School in Middlebury, VT for the past decade. Dr. Speier grew up in Berlin and will teach about his home town and its reflections in literature and film this semester.
The main objectives are:
a) to gain an understanding of Berlin and its 20th c. history and culture through analysis of artistic expression
b) to further develop your fluency and grammatical accuracy in speaking: reflection, reasoning, discussion; and
c) to improve your writing of compositions with focus on advanced grammar and use of idiomatic expressions.





Cloisters NYC

German 321 “Eine Reise durch die deutsche Kulturgeschichte von 750 bis 1750”

This is an upper-level seminar that focuses on the cultural history of the German-speaking people and the intellectual development of Central Europe. It also aims to demonstrate the importance of cultural production for social change.




Valley Forge National Park

Im amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg kämpften als britische Söldner viele deutsche Soldaten. Diese kamen aus folgenden Gegenden in Deutschland: Hessen-Kassel, Hessen-Hanau, Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, Ansbach, Bayreuth, Anhalt-Zerbst, Waldeck und Pyrmont.

Der junge Marquis de Lafayette wurde von General Washington wie ein Sohn angenommen. In der Schlacht von  Brandywine wurde Lafayette verwundet und von den Moravians (der Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine), die 1741 Bethlehem gegründet hatten, solange gepflegt, bis er wieder zu voller Gesundheit gelangte.





Guggenheim NYC

Dr. Michaela Holdenried (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg), Max Kade Professor at Lafayette College, taught German 424: „Das Bild der Stadt in der Lyrik: ein Einführungsseminar in die Kunst der Lyrik und die Möglichkeit von Transformationen in Visualisierung“ in Spring 2009. The students enrolled in the course and the German Club went on a field trip to the Guggenheim Museum in New York City.





Moravian Archives





Lancaster County, PA : Amish Country and Ephrata

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