Cost Summary

Below is a cost analysis of the 2017 LFEV ECE Team. This year’s budget was $5,500.


Cost Summary Analysis

Budget Record Spreadsheet (xlsx)

Budget Record – Purchase Record (pdf)

Budget Record – Weekly Spending (pdf)

Subsystem Weekly Spending Graphs (pdf) (xlsx)


Team Allocated Budget Total Spent Budget Remaining Percentage Spent
TSI $1,000 $1,041.67 -$41.67 104.17%
GLV $1,000 $620.90 $379.10 62.09%
VSCADA $50 $21.99 $28.01 43.98%
Cell App $125 $0.00 $125.00 0.00%
Cooling $600 $511.69 $88.31 85.28%
Interconnect $1,000 $2,241.52 -$1,241.52 224.15%
Dyno $50 $0.00 $50.00 0.00%
TSV $500 $890.43 -$390.43 178.09%
Shipping/Tax $1,175 $894.55 $280.45 76.13%
Overall $5,500 $6,222.75 -$722.75 113.14%

Interactive Charts

Budget Breakdown (interactive) vs. Spending Breakdown  (interactive)

Subsystem Budget Spending (interactive)

Total Spending (interactive)

Percentage of Subsystem Budgets Spent (interactive)

Percentage of Overall Budget Spent (interactive)