March 18, 2021
7:30pm EST
Passcode: 143033
The Man Behind the Award-Winning Book and Mini-Series "Masters of the Air" on AppleTV+
August 17th, 2015
Donald Miller was recently interviewed by the History Author Show. He is the first guest for this brand new program. Professor Miller discussed his recent book, Supreme City. This show is available on iTunes, iHeartRadio, and TuneInRadio.
On August 14th, Donald Miller and his students were featured on CSPAN. In this broadcast, Professor Don Miller talked about the air war during World War II. He spoke about what daily life was like for U.S. and British airmen in World War II, the roles of each member of a flight crew, and how an airman’s experience differed from that of an infantrymen.
Donald Miller was an on camera commentator in April 1865, a one hundred minute program that premiered April 2003 on the History Channel.
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