Asalam aleykum!
The only other thing probably as constant as change is the want to feel a sense of belonging, whatever that may mean for each one of us. It is a need that radiates from deep within our core, whether we are aware of this or not. I personally have had many different instances where this need has been fed, and others maybe left desiring for more. One such instance was this evening when an act so trivial.

[Just as the insects need to navigate by the light of the moon at night, a need radiates from deep within our core. Fun fact: the reason why insects are so attracted to artificial light such as the one pictured above as one enters McKelvy House, is because they are confused by the light reflecting from all directions of the bulb which in relation to them, is huge! Ideally, insects maintain a steady flight path and a straight course, usually using the moon as reference, but the bulb leaves then moving in infinite spiral around it.]
While walking back to Lafayette College campus after attending a family dinner/graduation party at the local Masjid (mosque), a friend and I walked past a basketball court where a bunch of kids were playing an evening game. It was 8 p.m, so darkness had already encroached the skies of Easton and as such, the game was winding up. So our back to the court, my friend and I chat away as we discuss how the event that evening was a nice break to the monotony of study. Soon, we hear a mixture of scream and shout of the kids from inside of the court, now, about four of them lined up against the court-fence nearest to us. This peaks my interest, and my love for putting puzzles together does not let me leave there without figuring out what they are attempting to communicate to us through the shout. Then I hear it, “Asalam aleykum*! Asalam aleykum! Asalam aleykum!” There is a rhythm that exists in the manner they shout this, making their fellow basketball players join in. I turn to my friend who is still having a hard time hearing what the kids are shouting, “they are saying asalam aleykum!” I say, getting excited myself. “Asalam aleykum! Peace be upon you!” They continue. I shout back, “waaleykum salam! And upon you peace!” Smiling from ear to ear. As simple as that, one of needs deep within my core is spontaneously satisfied; and I am humbled to share the story of this experience.
* The Muslim greeting, Asalam alykum is a transliteration from the (Arabic: عليكم السلام), meaning peace be upon you. One responds to such with wa-aleykum salam, translating to “ and upon you peace”.
Written by Zainab Hussein
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