Industrials Analyst Valdemar Kofod-Olsen ’26, Kendra Daly ’26, and Larkin Flanagan ’24 presented the Market Update on Friday, February 9th. The update covered sector performance and a retail market overview, highlighting Amazon and Shein.
Next, Financials Analyst Hasnat Aslam ’27 presented the Financial Sector update. This sector includes providers of investment products, insurance companies, other credit and financing organizations, and providers of critical financial utilities and services. Factors fueling growth in this sector include rising interest rates, economic optimism, rising M&A activity, and strong earnings. Hasnat finished by discussing potential risks and target companies.
TMT Analyst Hank Skatoff ’25 and Elena Duffy ’24 ESG Analyst presented a 20% Apple and Microsoft Sell Pitch. Both of these positions are nearing the 6% ceiling, and no portfolio companies can make up 6% or more of the total portfolio. The general body elected to sell 20% of both positions.