All posts by Andrew Yetter

The Battle of Algiers

The Battle of Algiers was a very informative movie that used many techniques to convey the seriousness of the story.  Some of the different kinds of techniques that were used were diegetic sounds, close ups and extreme close ups, and the use of hand-held shots.  The diegetic sounds in the movie, like the ticking of the bombs when the three women were having them armed, showed the tension in the air around the women and the plan they were soon to go through with.  The most useful technique they used was hand-held shots.  Hand-held shots make the camera holder look like they are right there.  They used this to put the viewer into the scene as one of the people on the streets watching everything unfold as if they were right there.

Children of Men

The use of the long camera shots is very impressive and I have never seen it before in a movie.  The long camera shots shows the viewer the skill of the actors and actresses.  It shows their ability to stay in character for long periods of time and the extensive training they would have had to go through in order to have memorized the entire scene.  It is a very unique style that you do not see very often in movies nowadays.  It brings a different feel to the movie that movies with many cuts and short takes don’t.  It gives a sense of fluidity and ease to the story, connecting everything together very smoothly.

Do the Right Thing

Something that is interesting to point out is that Radio Raheem is somewhat of a racist like Sal.  Sal, for example, only has famous white people’s pictures hanging on the wall in his restaurant because it is his property and he can do what he wants with it; while Radio Raheem on the other hand only plays “Fight the Power,” by Public Enemy, on his radio because it’s his radio and he can play whatever he wants.  This shows that Radio Raheem is a racist because he only plays one kind of music, like Sal having only pictures of white people.  As a result, there are people who react to this.  When Radio Raheem and Buggin Out go to Sal’s Pizzeria to demand that he put some pictures of black people on his wall is also when Sal tries to get Radio Raheem to turn his music off, only one of them succeeded though.  Once Sal destroys Radio Raheem’s radio it marked the downfall within the community and the destruction that was to come.  But, when Radio Raheem dies is when the real chaos happens causing everyone to go crazy and revolt against each other eventually resulting in the Sal’s Pizzeria being destroyed.  The fact that Radio Raheem is never coming back is just like Sal’s Pizzeria never being the same even though it can be rebuilt.  His death also marked the end of all trust between the community and between races.