Opening Scene

One scene which we did not bring up yesterday was the opening scene.  In the opening scene there was a woman dancing to the song “Fight The Power” by Public Enemy.  One thing I noticed was though we couldn’t directly tell what color skin both of the woman had, it appeared as if in one of the scenes the woman’s skin tone was lighter than the other.  When her skin appeared lighter, she was wearing an elegant red dress dancing in front of a nice brownstone apartment, while the woman who appeared to have darker skin was dancing in front of a wall with graffiti on it, while wearing boxing clothes, possibly implying that she was fighting the power.  Also, the boxing gloves and attire could symbolize the fighting and disagreement between the two races.

One thought on “Opening Scene”

  1. I believe that we weren’t meant to 100% know what color the women were because why does it matter? In theory it shouldn’t matter what color you are and that both should “fight the power” that oppresses anyone. In America we are very separated by color, not based of nationality. And in the film we saw that people were separated by nationality but almost all who weren’t the pale white were oppressed. Either way it shouldn’t matter what color or nationality your are as long as you “Do The Right Thing”.

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