Sustainability at Lafayette College

Authored by: Lafayette College EGRS 251 Group

Date: Fall 2011

Course Instructor: Professor Cohen

Site Link:


In looking at factors shaping Lafayette College’s sustainability efforts, reoccurring themes emerge amongst the projects. Lafayette acknowledges the relationship among various departments and structures within the college, such as the energy usage of electrical systems, the Internet, lighting, transportation, sports and recreation, and the broader academic structure.

By examining Lafayette’s sustainability initiatives, the use of policy, education, and organized implementation are critical to understanding the levels of success in the departments listed above. For example, specific measures have been taken to ensure that facilities utilize the most conservative forms of heating systems and lighting structures.

This website portrays the impact the Lafayette community can have by reevaluating energy use practices. This goal contrasts the historical dependence on creating new energy sources to cater to our incessant abuse of energy and ultimately the environment. Lafayette is thus part of a greater movement of sustainability and green initiatives.

Tags: EGRS 251, Sustainability, Fall 2011, Energy